Graduation Season is one of my most favorite times of the year. The celebration and emotions that accompany the completion of a goal or set of goals is to me both, contagious and inspiring.
Graduation is the culmination of a season of preparation. That season has been filled with lessons and tests, ups and downs, successes and challenges. BUT! The end has come and you’ve made it. AWESOME!!!!
While it has been some years since I’ve been in a formal training program where a graduation ceremony was performed, I can say, that each year, I try to ensure I have a personal “graduation”. You see, during this season I take the time to reflect over the past year, recounting my lessons, and the tests God gave to ensure I learned them. I consider what I have begun in the past year, and what is now complete. I celebrate my achievements as I begin to also ask the question; “Now Lord, what is the next step?”
To my family and friends, and graduates of all ages, I personally would like to say congratulations to you, and job well done. For the rest of us – let us use this time to reflect on our personal progress over the past year; Spiritually, Personally, and Professionally. Document the movement in your life. Celebrate the successes, and Thank God for the completion of those things that would come to an end at this time, and for the Doors He is now opening unto you. It's not only an End of a Season, it is also the Beginning of a New one!
Philippians 1:6
And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.