Monday, August 22, 2011

The Needful Thing

The Needful Thing!

Luke 10:40-42:

40 But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. 41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: 42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

Have you ever been in a season of your life where you constantly feel like you are behind schedule? You know the goals you have before you, those things on your heart and mind that are really important for you to start to work on, and those things you really feel should be complete by now? I to have these times, and it was a dear friend of mine that helped me to see and understand some of the dynamics of a season like this. Let me say right up front. Yes, there are times when we are not focused, that we are distracted, and that we are putting our time and attention to a myriad of other things, granted; important things, but not "those things" that deep down we know we need to give ourselves to.

There is another perspective though. My friend describes it this way. "There are times in our lives when we are the Master of the Child (The Teacher) and there are other times when we are Child of the Master (The Student)." We must be able to discern what role we are in based on our surroundings as well as the specific situations of our lives. Of course, as the Master of the Child, you are the teacher, the nurturer, the mentor, in other words you are the one pouring out, you are leading. When you are Child of the Master, this is a time to be observing things that are happening around you, taking things and information in, not pouring out. Not so anxious to teach someone else at the moment, that you forge ahead before you really finish getting the lesson yourself.

Just as it is with me, so it will be with you. Time and time again, in the midst of your life's work, you will not feel productive, in fact, you may use words like procrastination, lazy, or fearful, to describe your behavior. But this is not always the case. We must learn to recognize when the Father has said to us "Come, sit down my child, listen to me. I have something new to teach you." When He calls, we should answer. In fact, we must answer. We all know that our loving Father will go to great lengths to get our attention.

Even as matured saints and leaders, we have a leader ourselves, and it is He that is creating the way ahead, and He that knows the obstacles that lay there. He, that knows us better than we know ourselves and most importantly, He that perfects and completes who we are.

Take the time this morning and consider where you are now. Master of the Child, or Child of the Master? Is the Lord seeking to teach you something right now? When is the last time you asked Him “Lord, what lesson would you have me to learn from my life’s experiences at this particular moment? Or do you feel you’ve learned your most recent lesson well? If so, record that lesson, consider how you might share it to encourage someone today, and go forth and Tell Your Story.

Peace, Joy, and Blessings!

Copyright 2011 - Victoria L. Burse, Queens of the Kingdom
Pick up a copy of my new book - "Sabbath Songs"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Proverbs 16:13
Good leaders cultivate honest speech; they love advisers who tell them the truth.

As many of you did, in my younger years I relished the fact that I had people around me, which to them, I could never do any wrong. I’ve never been short of friends that would pat me on the back and sing “man’s praise” over whatever I had going on.

However, I’m older now, and wiser. I can see where that environment was detrimental to me during many of my developmental years. I can see how the enemy used the back pats and words of praise to develop an addiction in my life – an addiction to people.

Thank God I am healed now, and I have come to understand the benefit and the blessing of having those close about me that will always tell me the truth. Now it is true, that the truth can hurt sometimes. It is also true, that sometimes I don’t want to hear the truth, because it means that I have failed in some area or some task I was trying to achieve. Not to mention… I am a bit sensitive, so I can struggle at times not with what is said, but how it is said. Nevertheless, being able to hear and make adjustments according to the truth is key to transformation and elevation in God. I am convinced, that as much as we would like to make the right decisions, or organize the perfect plan very time…we don’t. And before we know it, as Paul said in Romans 7:15 “but what I hate, that do I.” Sometimes, the very thing we purpose in our hearts not to do...we end up doing.

Thank God for the advisors in my life that tell me the truth; about me. For those who risk hurting my feelings, for those who care enough to wave the red flag, for those who only have my best at heart; I am grateful.

I challenge each of you today, to check out your inner circle, be sure that you have truthful advisors in your life. Be sure that you give them the permission to hold you accountable, and be sure that you purpose yourself to act on the truth once you hear it. Make adjustments, end, begin, turn, be quiet, speak up, apologize, forgive…what ever it means in your situation. When you do, (and this is one thing I love about God the most) God seems to stop Time!!!! He seems so see that we have set our heart to making a change in the right direction, and He seems to call the full force of heaven and its angelic hosts to attention and sets them to work on our behalf GLORY TO GOD!

Copyright 2011 Victoria L. Burse
Check out my new book - "Sabbath Songs" purchase your copy today at

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Virtuous Woman

Good morning ladies.  I'm away serving on Jury Duty this week.  Please enjoy this post from my Wisdom from the Throne  - Monday Morning teachings.  See you next week!

Click Here

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Living Beyond Your Means

2 Chronicles 16 8-9(New International Version)
8 Were not the Cushites[b] and Libyans a mighty army with great numbers of chariots and horsemen[c]? Yet when you relied on the LORD, he delivered them into your hand. 9 For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him…”

While I loved the Lord dearly, and constantly tried my best to follow His commands and precepts, I seemed to come up “short” much more often than I felt I should have.  There were still far too many aborted dreams, to many incomplete assignments, to many unfulfilled desires.  In short, there were some things promised to us as believers that I was just not seeing manifest in my life, and those that did, seemed to take an inordinate amount of time.  You know, like the children of Israel, I seemed to be spending too much time in the wilderness.  Its one thing if that is the place God has you to be for a season, but it is an entirely different thing if we are remaining in the wilderness, because of our own doing.  If we have what we need to progress right in the midst of us, what is preventing us from taking hold of it?

The answer, I found, was that I still trying to accomplish far too much on my own, in my own limited secular power; the keywords here being “my” and “secular.”  You see, what I wanted was the manifestations and fruit of a life lived in the Spirit, in the Supernatural realm of Christ, but I was trying to obtain it by secular or natural means.  How bad did I want change? What was I willing to do? What would this change require of me?  There are many things in terms of Christian living and many testimonies we read of others who have experienced miraculous things – when we read them, we can easily say, nothing like that is happening in my life, but then when we read further, and discover the events leading up to this, we discover the life of prayer these persons had – we can also easily say, nothing in my life is happening like this.  You see, I found that we simply don’t have much of what we desire in God, because we are really not willing to do what it takes to have it.  Namely, first and foremost – develop a lifestyle of prayer.

We simply do not pray enough. We pray on Sundays during worship, and before we eat.  Maybe, when we get up in the morning; for a few moments, or a few moments before we go to bed a night.    We fail to realize how often the word of God tells us that Prayer is the vehicle through which we communicate with the Father.  And if we are working to develop a relationship with Him, then certainly we cannot forego the one act in which we participate and fellowship with Him in. Prayer.

Through prayer, we begin to learn how to engage intimately the Father and the Holy Spirit, so that we are able to tap into the realm of prosperous living – we are promised as a believer.

Let me pause for a moment, to make clear what I mean by prosperity.  In short, I am not talking primarily about getting the “stuff and things” of this world;  but I am talking about seeing manifestation and answers to my prayers concerning the health and wellness of my family, the breaking of generational curses, including those of poverty and a lack of stewardship in the area of financial management.  I’m speaking of walking in such a way that no matter how much God increases what I need to fulfill His purposes in the Kingdom or what I need to care for my family, I constantly see these needs met and exceeded.

I never wanted my testimony to be one that talked about how I had lived a life of trouble and pain, toiling my way through.  Sure, this is a part of living a Christian life, but it is not the entire part – these are the persecutions the Lord promised we would face.  But lets not forget the Blessings.  I wanted a relationship with God like the prophets of old – so in touch with Him, that I could call on Him in a moments notice, and be sure He would hear and answer my prayer.  I wanted to be able to testify daily of how the Lord had come through in Power – in the “situations” of my life.

Living beyond your means; this is not just something that is available to us but something that is required of us if we are going to walk out our destiny, God’s will for our lives. Let us purpose ourselves to MAKE the time to build our relationship with Christ, and we will then marvel as His presence in our life manifests in the miracles, signs, and wonders He desires to do through us for the purpose of building the Kingdom of God.

Copyright 2011 - Victoria L. Burse