Sunday, May 27, 2012

Healing Hidden Wounds!

Greetings Men and Women of God!

As we come upon the summer months, I pray that each of you take some needed time of vacation and rest, and enjoy the opportunities you will have to spend additional time with family.  I also hope that the “lazy” days of summer afford you extra time to quiet yourselves before the Lord, and allow Him to pour into you and to fill every empty place. As always, you are all in my thoughts and prayers, and I ask you to continue to keep me, as well as Queens of the Kingdom Ministries in your thoughts and prayers as well.

For the next 8 weeks, I invite you to come with me on a journey of Inner Healing, a time set aside to deal with “hidden wounds.”  I believe God to touch each and every one of us during this period, and for complete healing to occur.  I believe God that we will all come out completely restored, and ready to run the race He has set before us.

During this series, I will take many thoughts from my first book, Sabbath Songs: A Spiritual Transformation through the Healing Presence of Jesus Christ.  You see,  there was just such a season in my life several years ago… and I know the power of the Testimony, as stated in Revelation 12:11.  As we press into these areas a bit, I invite you to purchase a copy of Sabbath Songs if you don't have one, so that you may keep these messages as a reference or perhaps you might share it with someone else as a special gift.

I invite your responses; questions or testimonies,  to these messages, and I pray that you experience the change that is available to each and every one of us…as we spend time in His Presence.  For today, I’ll just briefly share why this healing is so important and then on next week, we will take off with the first place of healing in our series…the Wound of Unworthiness!

Psalm 34:4-8 (The Message Bible)
God met me more than halfway,  he freed me from my anxious fears.  Look at him; give him your warmest smile. Never hide your feelings from him.  When I was desperate, I called out,  and God got me out of a tight spot. God's angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray. Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see— how good God is.
Blessed are you who run to him.

There is a place in each of us that no one else really has access to, except for God and ourselves.  It is that place deep on the inside where we learn to hide things, to stash them away if you will.  This place has so many pockets and crevices, that it is easy for things to hide there.  Truth be told, as we stash our “stuff” there, I think our real hope is that it will get lost or just disappear.  But, it does not, and I find that this “stuff” comes to the surface just when we are on the brink of promotion and breakthrough in our lives.

I ponder this often as I ask God, “Well – is this the devil bringing this stuff up to try and hold me hostage?  To try and keep me immobile?  Or God is this you. Is this you saying stop, stop now, and deal with this because if you don’t, you are setting up key areas which the enemy can use to bring you down, and others that are with you.”  You see, the enemy can attempt to stop us before we even get started, or, he can wait and let us go along our merry way…and achieving some of those things that God has for us, and just when we think we are in place, in our rightful position.  BAM!  Out of the blue, this hidden wound is opened back up,  the secretion of which is poisonous to our entire being and the risk is even greater of being brought to a low place, and not only us, but those coming along behind us; watching us and learning from us.

Either way, the point is that healing is available to us as children of God, and not just healing from physical sickness and disease, but the healing that is needed when we have been hurt or misused, or even rejected.  The healing for our souls.  That's right, we don't have to live continually with all those "anxious fears."  They can be put away once and for all as we draw closer to God - learning to cast our burdens completely to Him in Prayer.

This is the healing I am speaking of, and the healing that I believe God wants to lavish out upon His people so that they can really become effective for the Kingdom of God.

Copyright 2012 - Victoria L. Burse, Queens of the Kingdom
Purchase your copy of Sabbath Songs today 
or get the e-book at 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

You may Own it, but are you Possessing it?

Numbers 13:30  Amplified Bible (AMP)

30 Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once and possess it; we are well able to conquer it.

We often use the terms Ownership and Possession interchangeably, but they really have two different meanings.  I'll begin by defining both of these terms.

Ownership:  Legal right of possession; proprietorship.
Possession:  The actual holding or occupancy, either with or without rights of ownership.

We know from the word of God in Jeremiah 29:11, that God has a plan for us.  It states,

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

Recall that part of God's plan for us was first spoken to our forefather Abraham.  We are his seed and the same inheritance and promises  (God's plan) made to him, were also to the children of Israel and are ours today.  Yes, there is a promised land that God has for us.  And you know what?  You are already the Owner.  The question is, are you in Possession of it?

Are you walking in the destiny God has for you.  Are you experiencing the "milk and honey" of your promised land?  Have you even laid eyes on your promised land? If not, why not?

Lets look further at the children of Israel; their ownership of the Promised Land was unconditional.  It was God's gift to them through the promise of God to Abraham.  However, their possession of the land was conditional, upon faith and obedience to God.

Why, because someone else had taken up residence in their promised land, they would have to FIGHT in order to take Possession, and the only way to certain Victory, was through following the direction and plans of the God who gave them the land in the first place.  In Numbers 13:32-33 we get a description of those inhabitants.

"And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."  

That's right.  These Giants had Possession of this land, even though they were not the owners. 

Understand; taking Possession is often through conflict, and just as the children of Israel had to fight, we must also fight our own "ittes"  (Perrizuites, Jebusities, canaanites, amorites, hivites and hittites) in order to take Possession of what we already Own. Remember, the only way that Victory is guaranteed, is if we follow the plan that God's has for us. Even when we can't quite understand how or why certain things are happening, we must have Faith knowing that God's grace is here to strengthen us and to help us endure every challenge.  We must know that He has already declared us Victorious through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Great Faith produces Great Blessings.  So I charge you again Men and Women of God.  Move forward with Faith and Obedience, and with a focus on taking Possession of your Destiny - all for the Glory of God and His Kingdom.


Copyright 2012 - Victoria L. Burse, Queens of the Kingdom
Purchase a copy of my new book Destination Destiny at

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Loose Ends

2 Corinthians 8:10-11
The Message (MSG)

10-11  So here's what I think: The best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started last year and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart's been in the right place all along. You've got what it takes to finish it up, so go to it. Once the commitment is clear, you do what you can, not what you can't. The heart regulates the hands.

We often think of November and December as the time to tie up loose ends, before we enter the new year. However, we are well aware that there are various seasons of our lives, and I believe it is just as important to designate a time for tying up the loose ends as we transition from one season to another.  Graduation season is upon us, and while you may not be experiencing a graduation in the natural, perhaps you are at the point of a spiritual graduation, in other words, transitioning into a new season of your life.

If this is you, I encourage you to take some time over the next 30 days to tie up the Loose Ends.  What are Loose Ends?  Loose ends are those tasks or projects you started on, but for no apparent reason, other than procrastination, have not completed.  Loose ends may be personal, such as home organization tasks or personal finance tasks, or it may also involve items that are related to your career, business, or ministry.   Loose ends are not necessarily time consuming tasks, thus we find them easy to overlook.  However, when we don't address them, they can grow into some larger task or issue, which will require much more to complete.  Loose ends may be something that we simply do not want to address, because we are unsure how, or because we fear the outcome of "opening a can of worms" we have conveniently put on a shelf, out of sight, out of mind.

My goal this week, and my challenge to each of you as well, is to identify the "Loose Ends" in your life, and then further, make it a priority to address those that you can honestly do something about.  There is a joy in completing something, and I do not believe that God has need of a people who continually start things, but never finish them.  So here we go!  Here is the process for addressing your LOOSE ENDS!

1.  Make a list of those loose ends.

2.  Prioritize the list, considering urgency (what may have a negative consequence if left undone) and resources (which of these can I tackle quickly because I have the resources to address them.)

3.  Estimate a reasonable time frame for completing each task, and record that information next to the task on the list.

4.  Now, start at the top of your list.  Ask for help if necessary.  Help may be someone to physically assist you with the task, or it may simply be someone who you can share you goal with and have him or her hold you accountable to complete it.

5.  Stay focused.  Don't attempt too much at once, focus on finishing one task before moving on to the next.

6.  Celebrate Completion, with whatever Celebration is to you.

Copyright 2012 - Victoria L. Burse

Purchase a copy of my latest releases  Sabbath Songs or Destination Destiny at
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