Monday, September 3, 2012

Are you ready for a Suddenly move of God?

Most of us do not care much for waiting; waiting in line, waiting our turn, waiting for a phone call, waiting for things to change, waiting on a breakthrough, I could go on and on. Well, even though it does not always feel good, it is a fact of life that sometimes we just have to wait. However, when it’s Kingdom Business, know that waiting is not “passive” (inactive or lifeless) – but waiting is a time when we make preparation to receive and steward or oversee – that which God has in store for us.

While we wait, we must watch and pray – with great expectation, and in our waiting, we should walk Blameless. Blameless, does not mean perfect, but it means that God will find us Righteous, (upright or honorable), Virtuous (Moral), or Fautless, - where we have spoken and acted in all things with a pure heart before the Lord, with motives He would be pleased with, and daily come before Him in a spirit of Repentance, because each and every day – in thought, word, or deed – we sin and are in need of forgiveness. 

In Psalms 84:11 I found an encouraging word about waiting on the Lord.  I'd like to share it with you.
For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.   

That’s right, while you will have seasons that you must wait, know that He will not withhold any good thing from you. 

So, let not your focus be consumed by your dreams of tomorrow, but steadfastly consider your thoughts, actions, and choices each day. He is likely using them to get to you, what you need to stand under the weight of the Blessing you are waiting on. He is all seeing and all knowing – in other words, He absolutely knows what He is doing when He has you to wait. 

Now, knowing that God IS going to move, are you ready for a Suddenly move of God? Have you been praying and spending quality time with Him? Are you following the instructions He is giving you for the place where you are NOW? Are you paying attention to what He has told you to prepare or to put into place for your next season? This is so important. When God does move Suddenly, and your “Blessing” comes, you don’t want to go from saying “when God when” to “wait, God, wait” because you find yourself overwhelmed when you finally have in your hands, the very thing you petitioned Him for in the first place!   Have a Beautiful week in the Lord.

Habakkuk 2:3 
For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

LADIES! Please join Queens of the Kingdom Ministries for their Monthly Women's Gathering - The Midwife Experience!

Saturday, September 15th, 2012 8:30am
Sunrise Christian Academy
126 Highway 138 SE, Riverdale, Georgia 30274-4004 

Copyright 2012 - Victoria L. Burse, Queens of the Kingdom
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