Habakkuk 2:2 [ The Message Bible ] And then God answered: "Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what's coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn't lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It's on its way. It will come right on time.
I know this phrase is familiar to many of us. If it is not in Writing, it does not exist! I'd like to attach this phrase to this weeks Leadership Lesson - as I briefly introduce Visioneering.
Visioneering. I first heard this term as I picked up, and subsequently purchased a book of this same title by Pastor and Teacher, Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church, Alpharetta, GA. Visoneering is the process of developing and recording a vision for a particular project or an area of your life.
Pastor Stanley teaches, that we should have a vision for every area of our lives; for our family, for our ministry, for our career…whatever your particular life consists of. Your Vision should be put in writing. It is a fact, that a vision will never be more than a dream if we don’t record it, and it really helps to be able to have some mental and practical image of what our goal looks like completed. Don’t expect to be able to map out the entire process or the path all at once, for we must constantly be in touch with our Heavenly Father for those next steps, and to take heed as He lovingly alerts us of detours or roadblocks that may lay ahead.
I think you already know what my challenge is to you this week. Yes, I am challenging you to take one goal, only one goal, and write it down, along with some of the steps you believe you will take in order to accomplish your goal. It is interesting that even when we know we should do something, we don't necessarily do it. We take shortcuts, and then wonder how it is we end up off track. So, I know you have your goal in your mind, some of you will even talk about how it is engraved... in your heart. That is excellent, but once placed in writing, it will take on a life of its own, because words themselves - have life.
Next, with your goal in writing in front of you, take some time to pray over what you have written, submitting it to the Lord. Be honest with Him about your desires. After all, He already knows your heart. Just be sure to give Him complete permission to change anything that you have written, that does not line up with His will for you life. Follow His leading, grab hold of your first step….and get moving!
Copyright 2012 - Victoria L. Burse
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