Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Hidden Wound of Rejection

Acts 20:1 (The Message Bible)
With things back to normal, Paul called the disciples together and encouraged them to keep up the good work in Ephesus. Then, saying his good-byes, he left for Macedonia. Traveling through the country, passing from one gathering to another, he gave constant encouragement,
 lifting their spirits and charging them with fresh hope.

     I don’t know of any one who has not faced rejection at one time or another in their lives, it is in fact a part of living in this world and in being in relationship with other human beings.  However, there those who have experienced rejection over and over again, or from key persons in their lives, such as parents, spouses, authority figures, etc…, and the end result is they have been left wounded.

     I’d like to share a bit about the Hidden Wound of Rejection on today, define a few terms, and provide some revelation on Healing as it relates to this Wound.

Rejection:  Refusal, spurning, dismissal, elimination.  To throw out as useless or worthless; discard.  Something rejected as imperfect, unsatisfactory, or useless

Here are some of the symptoms, or the “fruit” of Rejection

Negative attitudes and spoken words
Feeling of not being loved or accepted by others

     Those dealing with the Wound of Rejection, have a tendency to reject others, so that they aren't the first one to be rejected.  They often spend an inordinate amount of time wondering whether or not a person rejects or accepts them.  They may also display an inability to be corrected or receive constructive criticism. Rejection often creates an environment where you are starved for love or just don't fit in.  Rejection can destroy our self-esteem, and attack who we are and our purpose in life.  It is a Destiny Destroyer!

     So, how do we confront this spirit of Rejection in operation in our lives?  Well, the root of rejection lies within misplaced identity. As children of the most high God, we must never base our identity on what someone else thinks of us or anything else, other than what God's Word has to say about us. When we do, we make ourselves vulnerable to the damage of rejection.

     In my life, as I struggled to really understand who I was in Christ, and how much He loved me, I was led to the book of Ephesians.  Let me share with you how I read those scriptures then, and continue to do so from time to time.  For me, they were a great first step and led me to a place of healing that was much needed.

     First and foremost, answer the question honestly, “Do I love Myself?”  If your answer is anything but a resounding YES!!! Begin by meditating on the scripture Leviticus 19:18 (The Message Bible)

"Don't seek revenge or carry a grudge against any of your people. "Love your neighbor as yourself.   I am God.”

It is important to recognize that how you feel about yourself, affects how you feel about, relate to, and treat others in your life.  Consequently, until you have a healthy love for God and for yourself, you are unable to give or receive healthy love to/from others.  Next go to Ephesians 1:3-12, and Ephesians 2:1-8.  Read these scriptures aloud, and perform the following word replacements:

Everywhere you see the words Our, Us, We, You, or Ye, replace them with the words My, Me, or I.  In other words, make these scriptures personal.  Here is an example. Ephesians 1:3:3 would read,

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed ME (us) with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places.”

     We must be assured of how much God Loves us, and how once saved, we have been adopted into His Kingdom family.  Fully receiving His unconditional love, means fully accepting what He says about us.  How Blessed we are, How Special we are to Him, How we are heir’s and joint heir’s alongside Jesus Christ.  You should do this often, and open yourself up to receive Gods unconditional love and acceptance.  It is like a breath of fresh air!

     Last, but not least, to those who through their words or their actions may have subjected others, or cast upon others a spirit of rejection.  I speak to you especially, because I believe that when we continually speak over others, causing pain and harm, it is because we are speaking through or out of our own unresolved pain.  If this is you, I would like to challenge you to practice something I call the Ministry of Encouragement.

  1Thessalonians 5:11 “So speak encouraging words to one another.  Build up hope so you'll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind.  I know you're already doing this; just keep on doing it.”

     In short, the Ministry of Encouragement is “Giving to others, the very thing that you need.”  It is realizing that a single Encouraging word has the power to change the atmosphere.  An Encouraging word can connect with the promises of God and the desires deep within our heart.  Sometimes, it is not even a word; it may just be a Warm Embrace.  You know, a Hug!  A sincere hug can turn disappointment into hope, and restore confidence and determination.

     Truly there is enough Healing in the Hem of Jesus’ garment, to bring us all to a place of wholeness and restoration.  As we complete this series of teachings on Hidden Wounds, I pray that you all have been Encouraged to confront those things that need to be confronted in your personal lives, so that you can move forward.  I know that I have been encouraged, as well as challenged over the past month or so as I have been writing them.  Yet in still, it is all about stepping out on Faith to fully receive everything that God has for us!  Amen…  We are Moving Forward!

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